Water: A Fundamental Right, Not a Corporate Commodity

It’s long past time to develop a serious long term strategy for a sustainable - and affordable - water solution.

Representing the City of Monterey on Monterey One Water (M1W)–our region’s wastewater and recycled water treatment agency–I led the effort to advance the expansion of Pure Water Monterey (PWM), an effort that utilizes advanced water recycling technology to provide a new source of clean, safe, and sustainable water for Monterey. The base project has provided an additional 3,500 acre feet per year of water to the region. The expansion is estimated to provide an additional 2,250 acre feet per year. We must see the expansion of PWM through to completion and this will only be done with leadership focused on the needs of our residents today and long into the future.

For the sake of future generations, I will work to solicit broad community engagement on developing a new water supply, and will not defer the future of our community’s water to the will of for-profit companies.